Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Exterior Before Pictures

This is what the house looked like when we purchased it. The giant trees were the first to go! It came complete with nasty carpet inside that I can't begin to describe the smell of, mold from a roof leak, termites and other creepy crawling critters. After chopping down the overgrown trees and bushes, we had the carpet taken out (which helped with the smell) and hired someone to clean the HVAC and mold. The yard was a jungle in need of a good cutting. Thankfully my husband loves yard work!

In the Beginning...

So this is my first official blog! My husband and I recently purchased a foreclosed house and have been renovating to make it into our home. We have wonderful friends and family who have supported us along the way and encouraged us to start a blog to keep up with our progress. So here goes...